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Saturday, 30 January 2016

Some useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows

There are some easy useful shortcut keys which helps users to do their daily routine tasks:

Windows key+D: This shortcut is used to display the Desktop. It minimizes all other running applications.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc: This shortcut is used to display the Windows Task Manager. In which you manage all your tasks.

Alt+Print Screen: This shortcut key is very useful, which is used to take the screenshot of your current screen.

Ctrl+T: This keyboard shortcut opens a new tab in internet browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer

Ctrl+Shift+T: This keyboard shortcut keys reopens the last closed tab in internet browser.

Ctrl+W: This shortcut key is used to close the current tab in Internet browsers quickly.

Ctrl++: This keyboard shortcut key is used to zoom in the pages in Internet browsers.

Ctrl+-This keyboard shortcut key is used to zoom out the pages in Internet browsers.

Ctrl+0 This keyboard shortcut key is used to reset the webpage's zoom.

Windows key+M: This keyboard shortcut key is used to minimizes all the open windows.